It’s April 2022 in a niche nootropics community, and the next potential superdrug has been discovered. Does the power it may hold have the potential to change the entire world as we know it?


  • Heavy metal chelator, especially 3+ ions (Ferric Iron, Aluminum, lead, mercury, chromium, zinc, copper, etc.) limited affinity for ferrous iron.

    • Deferoxamine has a very high affinity and specificity for the ferric iron and chelates it in a 1:1 molar ratio; that is, 100 mg of deferoxamine will bind to and eliminate 8.5 mg of elemental iron
    • Binds free iron in the bloodstream as well as intralysosomal ferritin/siderin. Does not readily bind iron from transferrin, hemoglobin, myoglobin, or cytochrome (not typo).
    • Ferrioxamine B Fe-DFO = ferrioxamine B, which is water soluble and is excreted in the kidneys and feces. Half-life of ~10 hours.
    • Al-DFO = aluminoxamine, which increases blood aluminum concentrations. According to pubchem, 100mg dfo can bind ~4.1mg aluminum.
  • AFAIk, it targets or at least effects every organelle: cyotosol, endolysosome, etc. However it isn’t membrane-permeable? I really want to know what this means for its pharmcokinetics?

  • Ferritin accumulates as a consequence of endolysosomal deacidification promoting expression of Ferritin Heavy Chain. Failure of ferritin turnover within our braincells leads to the decline of the autophagesome and defective autophagy that’s present in alzheimers, down syndrome, Autism sprectrum disorder, Parkinsons, Huntingtons disease, nathman pick disease, etc.

    • This makes sense, since H+-ATPase mediates the acidification, and if respiration is deficient then there’s no ATP, immediately creating a deadly cycle.
    • Iron leaks out of mitochondria dislodging from the mitochondrial machinery and into the LIP whereby it generates ROS.
    • DFO should rescue ferritin turnover, and shuttle it towards mitochondria if needed. In certain disorders i.e. where autophagy is compromised, the iron in ferritin simply doesn’t leave.
    • Utilization alongside EPO andor ferritin pore unfolding peptide:Apart from Lipid rafts, extracellular atp, and loss of neural stem cells and senescence this would spell the end for neurodegeneration
      • We can target inflammatory purine receptors with p2x7 inhibition, reduce degeneration of our lipid rafts by promoting insulin sensitivity, reducing sphingolipid incorporation with inhibitors, and promoting their breakdown with glucocerebosidase activators. We promote better liver health which reduces ammonia, and bilrubin accumulation that aggravates endozapine release and further damages the lipid rafts of neuronal cells. Then we can increase our neuronal stem cell pools by increasing insulin sensitivity and activation with insulin/IGF2 and reducing oxidative stress with powerful mitochondrial targeted antioxidants.
  • Lysosomal deacidifcation also increases iron intake into hepcidin and ferritin.

  • As we age, the activity of Heme Oxygenase increases as a means of attempting to mitigate oxidative stress and that breaks down hemoglobin into bilrubin, carbon monoxide, and free iron.

    • So the process which iron continues to accumulate within the brain becomes more aggressive and this is partially responsible for the dysfunction of Erythropoietin activity and increased levels of epo within the brain in Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. Epo can’t exert its functions on mitochondria promoting mitochondrial biogenesis and it also leads to the breakdown of neuronal insulin sensitivity and ferritin turnover.
  • In CSF, 5-HT level is significantly decreased and the levels of iron and transferrin are dramatically increased in fatigue group

  • iron dysbiosis even leads to the failure of phageocytosis of microglial cells (THEIR degradation, pretty sure) and that means that microglial cells can nolonger properly break down neuronal progenitor cells that dont incorporate into neuronal networks or consume dead cells and clearance of associated cellular wastes. Iron dysbiosis even supports the survival and reactivation of latent bacteria within the brain that increase inflammation through endotoxemia and it all feeds forward

  • The mitochondria in this instance is called the Endosome; what’s outside of mitochondria where all other organelles of our cells are is called the lysosome

  • Potent induction of angiogenesis can make it a topical for Hair Loss?

  • Covid is a hepcidin memetic. Severity has been shown to be related to how well it is metabolized, i.e. in younger people.

  • What I want to find out is its cellular localization and its dynamics on mitochondria and cellular respiration. Main concerns really if you look at good/ugly.

  • Iron chelation down-regulates dopamine transporter expression by decreasing mRNA stability and increasing endocytosis in N2a cells

    • Cellular iron depletion elevated protein levels of the early endosomal marker Rab5.

The Good

  • Significantly inhibits BACE1

  • Deferoxamine: a reversible S-phase inhibitor of human lymphocyte proliferation

    • Potent inhibitor of DNA synthesis by T Cells and B Cells Prevents cells from completing the S phase of the cell proliferation cycle.
  • Deferoxamine pharmacokinetics

    • 50 mg/kg/d, and initial elimination half-life of 0.28/h and steady-state concentration of 7μM/L were observed.
  • Increased iron levels in the lung reduced function and worsened pulmonary fibrosis, and was prevented with DFO. Lung fibrosis enters the iron age

  • Red Cells, Iron, and Erythropoiesis: Specific iron chelators determine the route of ferritin degradation (Nov 2009)

    • Deferoxamine ‘induces autophagy’, which leads to Ferritin entry into Lysosomal lumen.
      • DFO-treated cells resulted in cytosolic accumulation of LC3B, while DFX/DFP, or ferrioxaxmine, did not.
      • Incubation of DFO-treated cells with 3-methyladenine, an autophagy inhibitor, resulted in degradation of ferritin by the proteasome.
      • This process of feritin turnover is important for rechanneling iron into the proteome which autophagy-promiting compounds favor.
    • The membrane-permeable chelators desferasirox (DFX) and deferiprone diverted ferritin degradation towards the proteasomal pathway.
    • Did not induce pH changes in the lysosome.
    • Inhibition of endocytosis prevents DFO-induced ferritin degadation, supporting the importance of the lysosomal localization of Deferoxamine.
      • Furthermore, it might be specific to siderophores or sometihng, because another impermeable chelator, bathophenanthroline did not induce autophagy.
    • Rapamyci] can induce macroautophagy but does not induce Ferritinophagy.
    • Some kinda PI3K inhibitors inhibit lysosomal ferritin degradation.
    • our results show that ferritin can be degraded either by the lysosome or the proteasome
    • Lysosomal deferoxamine can induce Ferritinophagy even when entry of ferritin into the lysosome is prevented.
    • A combination of DFO and a permeable chelator provides a shuttle mechanism by which DFO takes iron from the permeable chelator for it to again bind more iron.
  • A recent study has shown that DFO and DFX increased autophagy via inhibiting mTOR. Their differences may be cell-type dependent.

  • The hypoxia memesis is by means of… for one, removing Fe2+ from Prolyl Hydroxylase, which marks HIF-1α and HIF-2α for ubiquination.


  • iron accumulates in astrocytes, reduces insulin sensitivity and that prevents insulin increasing the transcription and prevents the release of Erythropoietin within the brain.
    • This would support why neuronal levels of epo decline and systemic levels of epo rise with age or could even support why neuronal epo might be higher in dementia as a consequence of failure of epo to exert its actions on mitochondrial biogenesis due to the rise of hepcidin, and ferritin within the cytosol of neurons, and microglial cells
    • Tl;dr, DFO fixes this by lowering GSK, thereby Tau. Increases HIF and thereby insulin signaling.
  • Iron Deposition Leads to Hyperphosphorylation of Tau and Disruption of Insulin Signaling
    • Via decreased phosphorylation levels of IR-β (unable to detect changes in levels) IRS-1, and PI3K.
    • Treatment of insulin within a short time led to a rapid and transient hyperphosphorylation of tau
    • Cognition is impaired and causes abnormal tau phosphorylation in mice fed high-iron chow.
  • Iron Depletion by Deferoxamine Up-Regulates Glucose Uptake and Insulin Signaling in Hepatoma Cells and in Rat Liver



The Bad

The Ugly

Intranasal studies

  • Intranasal Deferoxamine Provides Increased Brain Exposure and Significant Protection in Rat Ischemic Stroke
    • DFO IV vs. IN concentrations
  • Serial Studies of Auditory Neurotoxicity in Patients Receiving Deferoxamine Therapy
    • An analysis of Jhe clinical data showed that most members Of the affected group were younger, had lower serum ferritin value, and were receiving higher doses of the drug per kilogram of body weight. These people are 3-27 years, mean 12.
    • *Most of these reports had dealt with a variety of ocular changes ranging from blurring of vision [5], loss of acuity (4,6-81, loss of central vision [4], night blindness [9], pigmentary retinopathy [4,9,10], and optic neuropathy [4,9,11]. *
    • Most cases of acute visual loss were reversible after stopping therapy with deferoxamine, but anatomic abnormalities such as optic neuropathy and pigmentary changes remained unchanged.
      • In our four symptomatic patients [4], two presented with a marked decrease in central vision, eccentric fixation, and severely impaired visual acuity. The symptoms completely reversed within four weeks after withdrawal of deferoxamine, but optic atrophy and thinning of the nerve fiber layer persisted. A third patient had markedly decreased visual acuity, a left afferent pupillary defect, and asymmetric optic atrophy: after withdrawal of the drug, acuity improved but the atrophy was unchanged. The fourth patient also had decreased visual acuity, abnormal color vision, and translucent swelling of the optic disk; after stopping the drug, acuity and color vision partly improved. Abnormal pigmentary changes were observed in five other patients [4], but there were no abnormalities of visual acuity or color vision in these cases.

Other chelator considerations



Lasts reconstituted for 2 days.