Scattered Notes: Cholesterol in Alzheimer's Disease

Unresolved questions

December 10, 2022

Scattered Notes: Amyloid Precursor Protein

There is amyloidogenic processing, and nonamyloidogenic. The former is regulated by BACE1, the latter is α-secretase, which cleaves the dangerous stub (Forming the α-CTF (C-terminal fragment), or the APP intracellular domain (AICD)). Notice the fully intramembrane α-secretase. Real? Can’t be. Look at the cleavage site. Truncated and modified amyloid-beta species Note how there’s a possible BACE1→ADAM10 route. More fun is how there are other secretases like η and γ. APP exists in several isoforms ranging from 695 to 770 amino acids in length, including the domain from which the Aβ peptide derives Not just amyloid: physiological functions of the amyloid precursor protein family (Müller 2017) (Highly detailed, especially noncanonical δ/η stuff....

May 30, 2022

Scattered Notes: Deferoxamine

It’s April 2022 in a niche nootropics community, and the next potential superdrug has been discovered. Does the power it may hold have the potential to change the entire world as we know it? Heavy metal chelator, especially 3+ ions (Ferric Iron, Aluminum, lead, mercury, chromium, zinc, copper, etc.) limited affinity for ferrous iron. Deferoxamine has a very high affinity and specificity for the ferric iron and chelates it in a 1:1 molar ratio; that is, 100 mg of deferoxamine will bind to and eliminate 8....

May 2, 2022